All submissions should be sent to the editor(s) in one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .odt, or .txt.
All submissions should use a 12-point, serif font (preferably, Times New Roman) and be formatted in double spacing. New paragraphs should be indented 0.5 inches and new sentences should follow a single space after the period.
The title of your submission should appear in title case, centred, and bold at the top of your submission. Author information (name and affiliation) should be listed centred on the line below the title. If you have an ORCID ID it should be listed centred on the line below the author information.
IDEAH Quick Reference
If your submission requires headers and you are working in Microsoft Word or LibreOffice, please use their “Styles” tool. If your submission requires headers and you are working in a document without a heading style, please use the format outlined below.
Here is the First Header
Here is the Second Header (underlined)
Here is the Tertiary Header
Like the submission title, headings should also employ title case.
Title case requires the capitalisation of all nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and subordinate conjunctions (i.e. as, because, although) and uses lowercase for all articles, coordinate conjunctions and prepositions.
Example: Here is an Example of Title Case
IDEAH prefers footnotes instead of endnotes. Footnotes should be placed following the period as shown in the example below. Avoid using footnotes for purposes of referencing, with in-text citations used instead. If in-text citations cannot be used, a source can be cited as part of a footnote.
Example: This is where the author should place their footnote.1
At this time, all submissions must be made in English. Spelling should follow Canadian/British conventions, unless the author is quoting material with alternative spelling or referring to a proper noun where the official spelling should then be used instead. All acronyms should be spelled out in full upon their first use only followed by initials noted in parentheses, as exemplified below.
Example: Interdisciplinary Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH)
Submissions should abide by Canadian/British grammar rules. In particular, authors should be aware of the following conventions:
Use of the Oxford comma, which dictates the formatting of lists within sentences
Example: This comma convention is known as the Oxford comma, the serial comma, or the Harvard comma.
Use of the hanging apostrophe for possessives ending in “s”
Example: Digital Humanities’
Differentiation between the format of a hyphen (-) and a dash (--)
Lists that do not need to define hierarchy or order of value, should use bullet points. If the list requires a specific sequence, it should appear numbered. Lists should be used sparingly to maximize their impact.
Numbers zero to nine should be spelled out in whole words; numbers 10 and over should be indicated numerically. Except in the following circumstances:
Symbols are permitted in the text and in tables as long as they are commonly understood or specifically defined by the author.
Formulae must be proofed carefully by the author as editors will not edit formulae: formulae will appear in the order laid out in the publication. LaTeX equations can be embedded directly into the main text. If you have used an alternative software to create the formulae, consider including this as an image.
The inclusion of accompanying diagrams and images is encouraged, as long as the author has legal right to disseminate such media. Please see the list below for appropriate permissions:
If the media belongs to you: There is a caption or comment indicating that it is yours and you have the right to reprint it.
If the media is under a CC0 or CC-By license: The caption includes licensing information (name of the creator, what license it is under)
If the media is under any other license: You have received permission to reprint the figure from the original creator AND the caption includes licensing information (as above), along with a note saying that permission has been granted.
The source files for each media material should be sent separately (in a zipped file). Accepted file formats are: .jpg, .png, .gif, .mp3, .wav, .ogg, mp4 or .webm. Tables can be recreated and embedded directly into the text.
All submissions should cite tables and media within the text using consecutive, Arabic numeration. Citations should be placed within the text at the appropriate point, and should include a brief, explanatory information (for example: title, source, the kind of description that is included in alt text) and copyright information (for example: creator name, license, any relevant permissions), if necessary.
If you are including lines of code, please format them as a block quote in Consolas or Courier font.
All submissions should use double quotation marks (“ ”) except for quotes within another speech, which should use single quotation marks (‘ ’). Quotations that are longer than four lines in length should be formatted as a block quotation. Block quotations should be indented 0.5 inches.
In-text citations and the reference list should follow current MLA guidelines.
The reference list should appear at the end of the submission titled “Works Cited” and should only include materials cited in the text. Entries should be single spaced; each entry should begin at the margin and should indent any subsequent lines by 0.5 inches (a hanging indent). Please format DOIs as “ XXX” and URLs as “https://XXX” and please ensure all links are clickable in manuscript preparation.
At the end of the submission, please include a contact email and a brief biography (less than 100 words) for each author.
If useful, here is a preformatted Microsoft Word document that adheres to the IDEAH style guide.