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Biographies & Contact

Published onJun 06, 2023
Biographies & Contact


Constance Crompton (ccrompto [at] uottawa [dot] ca; is a Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities and Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa. She directs the University of Ottawa’s Labo de données en sciences humaines/The Humanities Data Lab. She is a member of the Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada, Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship, and Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) Partnership research teams. She is the co-editor, with Ray Siemens and Richard Lane, of two volumes, Doing Digital Humanities and Doing More Digital Humanities (Routledge 2016, 2019). She lives and works on unceded Algonquin land.

Laura Estill (lestill [at] stfx [dot] ca; is a Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities and Associate Professor of English at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Her monograph (Dramatic Extracts in Seventeenth-Century English Manuscripts: Watching, Reading, Changing Plays, 2015) considers the reception of early modern plays. She is co-editor of multiple collections, including Early Modern Studies after the Digital Turn, 2016; Early British Drama in Manuscript, 2019; The Past, Present, and Future of Early Modern Digital Studies, 2023; and Digital Humanities Workshops, 2023.

Ray Siemens (siemens [at] uvic [dot] ca; directs the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab, the INKE Partnership, and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute. He is a Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria in English and Computer Science, and past Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing (2004–2015). In 2019–2020, he was also Leverhulme Visiting Professor at Loughborough U and he is the current Global Innovation Chair in Digital Humanities at U Newcastle (2019–2022). You can learn more about Ray at


E. Leigh Bonds (bonds [dot] 19 [at] osu [dot] edu; is an Associate Professor and a Digital Humanities Librarian at Ohio State University where she consults with faculty and students on research and teaching, teaches digital humanities praxis and pedagogy, collaborates on projects, and leads the campus digital humanities network. She holds a PhD in English Literature and publishes on DH librarianship practices and Romantic women writers.

Maddie Brockbank (she/her; brockbam [at] mcmaster [dot] ca; is a PhD candidate and Vanier Scholar in the School of Social Work at McMaster University. Her research, practice, and community organizing experience is situated broadly in the area of anti-violence work with men, with specific focus on integrating anti-carceral feminist perspectives to gender-based and sexual violence prevention. She can be found on Twitter: @maddiebrockbank.

Fabienne Burkard (st170328 [at] stud [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de) is a student in the Digital Humanities MA program at the University of Stuttgart and a student assistant for DH2go onboarding support, research, and development.

Kate Cawthorn (kathryn [dot] cawthorn [at] ucalgary [dot] ca; is a Digital Projects Librarian at the University of Calgary. Her research interests include critical pedagogy, information maintenance, and digital preservation.

Alexis-Carlota Cochrane (cochra1 [at] mcmaster [dot] ca; is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Communication Studies and Media Arts at McMaster University. Her research explores identity, algorithms, platforms, and technology. Some of Alexis-Carlota’s research can be found in Rivista di Digital Politics. She can also be found on Twitter: @alexis_carlota.

Melinda Cohoon (mecohoon [at] uw [dot] edu) is a doctoral candidate in Interdisciplinary Near and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her dissertation research entitled “Affective Entanglements: Iranian Gamers on Social Media and Online Games” uncovers how the everyday experience of sanctions and censorship produce precarious emotions, sentiment, and belonging for Iranian gamers online. Cohoon’s digital humanities work focuses on video games as tools of state and non-state actors through the lens of soft power and discourse ( and Her publications can be found in Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities, Doha Institute’s Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, and Review of Middle East Studies. She can be found on Twitter: @Mindy_M_C. To learn more:

Linzey Corridon (corridol [at] mcmaster [dot] ca; is a poet, PhD student, and Vanier Canada Scholar in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. His research focuses on the quotidian experiences of Queeribbean peoples in literature. He is currently developing Juks (jooks), a near comprehensive bibliography and interactive data-mapping project of Queeribbean and diaspora published writings from 1900 to the present day. He can be found on Twitter: @westawestindian

Rebecca Frost Davis (rebeccad [at] stedwards [dot] edu) is the Associate Vice President for Digital Learning at St. Edward’s University. She is co-editor (with Matthew K. Gold, Katherine D. Harris, and Jentery Sayers) of Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities: Concepts, Models, and Experiments (, an open-access, curated collection with an extensive introduction, published by the MLA, of downloadable, reusable, and remixable pedagogical resources for humanities scholars interested in the intersections of digital technologies with teaching and learning. She can be found on Twitter: @frostdavis.

Katherine DeCoste (kdecoste [at] uvic [dot] ca) is a recent graduate of the MA program in English at the University of Victoria, where their research focused on representations of motherhood in Victorian print culture. They received their BA Honours in English and History from the University of Alberta in 2020.

Denae Dyck (denae [dot] dyck [at] txstate [dot] edu; taught English at the University of Victoria as a sessional instructor (2018–2022) and joined Texas State University in Fall 2022. A recent graduate of the English PhD program at UVic, she worked with co-organizers Andrea Korda, Mary Elizabeth Leighton, and Vanessa Warne as the Crafting Communities Project Manager. Her publications include articles in Victorian Poetry, Victorian Review, Christianity and Literature, and European Romantic Review. Her first book, Biblical Wisdom and the Victorian Literary Imagination, is under contract with Bloomsbury Academic.

Beth Fischer (blf1 [at] williams [dot] edu) is Assistant Curator for Digital Learning & Research at the Williams College Museum of Art. She collaborates with faculty, staff, and students across the college to create and implement digital projects that relate to the museum, including professional development in digital humanities. Within the museum, she works to develop digital resources like open data sets and 3D models to make museum holdings more accessible through digital approaches. Her research explores methods for modeling the media and viewing environments of medieval art, including gilded manuscripts and textiles.

Grace Fishbein (grace [dot] fishbein [at] ace-net [dot] ca; is the Training Coordinator for ACENET, located at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) in St. John’s, Canada. In her role with ACENET she leads their training initiative to support researchers of all disciplines in Atlantic Canada in enhancing their computational skills. She has an MSc from Toronto Metropolitan University in Biomedical Physics and an Undergraduate degree from MUN in Applied Mathematics and Physics.

Malte Gäckle-Heckelen (malteheckelen [at] protonmail [dot] com; was educated as a social scientist and came to the digital humanities for his PhD. Aside from teaching digital humanities and co-developing DH2go, he researches superhero comics via network analysis for his PhD.

Madison George-Berlet (madison [dot] georgeberlet [at] gmail [dot] com) recently completed her English Honours degree at the University of Victoria, where she was an editor for the UVic Albatross and a member of the UVic English Students’ Association. She is now pursuing a degree in secondary education to share her love of literature.

Matthew K. Gold (mgold [at] gc [dot] cuny [dot] edu; is Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY, where he is Advisor to the Provost for Digital Initiatives, and where he directs the MA Program in Digital Humanities and the MS Program in Data Analysis and Visualization. His collaborative DH projects include the CUNY Academic Commons, Commons In A Box, and Manifold. Recent and forthcoming co-edited publications include Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities and Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023.

Emily Goodwin (vanharee [at] mcmaster [dot] ca) is a PhD candidate and Teaching Fellow in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. Her research focuses on everyday digital practices, food media, and social media research ethics.

Maryssa Grayer (maryssagrayer [at] gmail [dot] com) is a second-year PhD student at the University of Victoria. She obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Northern British Columbia. Maryssa’s research interests include Victorian fiction and culture, Disability Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies.

C. R. Grimmer (cgrimmer [at] uw [dot] edu; is a poet, public scholar, and teacher at the University of Washington, Seattle. Their research examines intersections of activist poetry and pop culture for critiquing racial capitalism in global climate change. They are the author of two poetry collections—The Lyme Letters (2020, Texas Tech University Press, Winner of the Walt McDonald First Book Award) and O-(ezekiel's wife) (2019, GASHER Journal and Press)—and a peer-reviewed Critical Edition of their public scholarship project, The Poetry Vlog (forthcoming 2023–2024, University of Michigan Press, Fulcrum). Their poems are in journals such as Poetry Magazine and their scholarly essays in journals and essay collections such as The Comparatist. Learn more at

Katherine D. Harris (katherine [dot] harris [at] sjsu [dot] edu) is the Director of Public Programming for the College of Humanities & the Arts and Professor of Literature and Digital Humanities at San José State University. Her research and teaching interests range from pedagogical articles and blog posts on using digital tools in the classroom to traditional scholarship on a “popular” literary form in 19th-century England, all of which culminates in her three publications about literary annuals. Her latest work focuses on teaching digital humanities in teaching-intensive universities, the literary annual in nineteenth-century India, and the efficacy of Public Humanities. She completed her longest running project as one of the co-editors for the un-book, Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities (, with its accompanying extensive introduction, published by the Modern Language Association in 2020.

Helen Hewertson (HHewertson [at] uclan [dot] ac [dot] uk; is a Lecturer in Humanities and Social Science and Course Leader for the Humanities foundation year at the University of Central Lancashire. Helen’s research and teaching interests involve academic literacies, inclusive teaching and learning, critical pedagogy, digital humanities, and widening participation. She is also conducting research into effective ways of supporting mature students. Helen supports staff in developing critical digital pedagogies and is the chair of the university’s Pedagogic Research Forum.

Anne Hung (annehung [at] shaw [dot] ca) recently completed her Honours English degree at the University of Victoria, where she was Managing Editor of The Albatross English undergraduate journal and Vice-President of the UVic English Students’ Association. Her research interests include nineteenth-century ballet, material culture, and print technology. She is currently the Editorial Assistant at The Malahat Review.

Hannah L. Jacobs (hannah [dot] jacobs [at] duke [dot] edu; is Digital Humanities Specialist for Duke University’s Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab where she provides instruction and conducts research in digital concepts and tools; collaborates on digital art history research with faculty and students; offers consultations for undergraduate and graduate students and faculty; and coordinates digital humanities initiatives with colleagues at other area institutions.

Laura Wildemann Kane (laura [dot] kane [at] worcester [dot] edu; is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Worcester State University, a faculty fellow for the Clemente Course in the Humanities (Worcester branch), and a member of the Editorial Collective of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. Her research examines social phenomena such as families, states, and social media networks through a feminist lens. Recent work has appeared in the Journal of Social Philosophy, the Journal of Applied Philosophy, and Currents in Teaching and Learning.

Theresa N. Kenney (kennet1 [at] mcmaster [dot] ca; is a PhD candidate and Teaching Fellow in the Department of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University. Her research explores asexual, aromantic, and platonic relationalities in queer Asian North American cultural production. Theresa’s research can be found in Feminist Formations and decomp journal. Find her on Twitter: @ToPoliticise.

Andrea Korda (korda [at] ualberta [dot] ca; teaches Art History at the University of Alberta’s Augustana Campus. She is the author of Printing and Painting the News in Victorian London: The Graphic and Social Realism, 1869–1891 and a co-organizer of the Crafting Communities series along with Leighton and Warne.

Jessie Krahn (krahnj34 [at] myumanitoba [dot] ca; is a second-year MA student in the Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media at the University of Manitoba. Her research interests include critical theory of social media, video game studies, feminist theory, and materialism.

Mary Elizabeth Leighton (mleighto [at] uvic [dot] ca; teaches English at the University of Victoria. She co-edited The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Prose (2012) and Victorian Review (2006–2016), co-wrote The Plot Thickens: Illustrated Victorian Serial Fiction from Dickens to Du Maurier (2019), and with Andrea Korda and Vanessa Warne co-organizes the Crafting Communities series.

Amanda Licastro (she/her; amanda [dot] licastro [at] gmail [dot] com) is the Digital Scholarship Librarian at Swarthmore College, the pedagogical director of the Book Traces project, and is an Andrew W. Mellon Junior Fellow in Critical Bibliography. Amanda serves on the editorial collective of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy and is the Chair of the Committee on Digital Humanities for the Modern Language Association. Her research explores the intersection of technology and writing, including book history, dystopian literature, and digital humanities. Composition and Big Data, her collection co-edited with Ben Miller, was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in September 2021, and you can find her work in journals such as Communication Design Quarterly, Hybrid Pedagogy and Kairos, as well as collections such as Critical Digital Pedagogy and Digital Reading and Writing in Composition Studies.

Natalie LoVetri (umlovet1 [at] myumanitoba [dot] ca) is an MA student in the Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media at the University of Manitoba. She holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design (BEnvD) and a BA in English with a minor in Philosophy from the University of Manitoba. She is also a creative writer and is interested in all forms of creative expression. Her research interests include constructions of identity, feminist theory, and post-structuralism.

Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel (tmahoney-steel [at] uclan [dot] ac [dot] uk) is Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the University of Central Lancashire. She has published on poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut, medieval motets and Linked Open Data, citational practices in medieval culture, digital pedagogy, and collaborative scholarship. Recent projects include a network diagram of citation practices in her scholarly community ( She is on the editorial team for the new edition of the complete works of Guillaume de Machaut and has written accompanying notes for new recordings of his works by the Orlando Consort (Hyperion Records).

Karen Rose Mathews (k [dot] mathews1 [at] miami [dot] edu) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Miami. Her research interests focus on the visual culture of the medieval and early modern Mediterranean. Her extensive publications on this topic include a recent monograph (Conflict, Commerce, and an Aesthetic of Appropriation in the Italian Maritime Cities, 1000–1150, 2018) and a co-edited collection (A Companion to Medieval Pisa, 2022). She has conducted a number of research and class-based projects in the digital humanities related to Mediterranean topics.

Anne Mirejovsky (mirejovs [at] ualberta [dot] ca) recently completed a BA in Psychology and Art History at the University of Alberta (Augustana Campus). Besides her academic pursuits, Anne also trains for biathlon full time. Biathlon has taken her to some exciting places. In 2021, Anne qualified for the World University Games in Lucerne, Switzerland. Presently Anne is pursuing her goals and training as a full-time athlete in Canmore with dreams of making the Canadian National team.

Ruth Ormiston (ruth_ormiston [at] sfu [dot] ca) recently completed their MA in English at the University of Victoria and is currently pursuing a Master of Publishing at Simon Fraser University. Their research interests include Victorian children’s magazines, juvenile readership, and the nineteenth-century museum/exhibition.

Sarah Paust (sarahcpaust [at] ucla [dot] edu) is a PhD student in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include critical global health and humanitarianism, philanthropy studies, and media ethnography.

Harvey Quamen (hquamen [at] ualberta [dot] ca) is an Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities at the University of Alberta and is currently the Academic Director of the Digital Scholarship Centre there. He has been a Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College, London, and has participated in several large Canadian digital humanities research teams. Recent publications include a co-edited special issue of Renaissance and Reformation on “Digital Milton Studies,” to which he contributed “Stylometry without Words: Analyzing John Milton’s Literary Style” (2021). Forthcoming is “Codework: The Pedagogy of DH Programming,” to be published in Debates in DH Pedagogy by the University of Minnesota Press.

Danica Savonick (danicasavonick [at] gmail [dot] com) is an ACLS Fellow and an Assistant Professor of English at SUNY Cortland. Her research and teaching focus on twentieth-century and contemporary US literature, feminist pedagogy, and social justice. Her book manuscript, Insurgent Knowledge: the Poetics and Pedagogy of Toni Cade Bambara, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Adrienne Rich in the Era of Open Admissions, is under contract with Duke University Press. Her work has appeared in American Literature, MELUS, Digital Humanities Quarterly, and Modern Fiction Studies, as well as Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle. She is an editor of the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy and a member of the HASTAC Commons Steering Committee.

Claus-Michael Schlesinger (claus-michael [dot] schlesinger [at] hu-berlin [dot] de; is a digital scholarship expert at Humboldt-University Berlin university library. Previously, he was a research associate at the University of Stuttgart, Department of Digital Humanities. His work focuses on electronic literature, historical and contemporary relations of aesthetics and technology, and the history of meteorology and climatology.

Allegra Stevenson-Kaplan (astevensonkaplan [at] uvic [dot] ca) recently completed her Honours English degree at the University of Victoria, where she was Director of Information for the UVic English Students’ Association and a Poetry Editor for The Warren Undergraduate Review. She wrote her Honours graduating thesis on single mothers in Victorian fiction, and her research interests include Victorian literature, digital humanities, and modernist poetry. Her work has been published in The Warren and appears in the 11th volume of The Albatross journal.

Michelle Scalise Sugiyama (mscalise [at] uoregon [dot] edu) is a Senior Instructor in the University of Oregon Anthropology Department, with a background in literature, cognition, and hunter-gatherer studies. She studies the evolution of social learning in humans. Her work examines symbolic behaviors as some of humanity’s earliest information technologies. She conceptualizes these behaviours as pedagogical tools that emerged in response to the challenge of storing and transmitting knowledge in oral cultures. She has published extensively on the use of myth, games, and song in hunter-gatherer societies to encode traditional ecological knowledge and develop traditional skills.

Kate Thornhill (kmthorn [at] is a digital scholarship librarian at the University of Oregon. She specializes in building and stewarding open digital projects within the digital humanities and making digital archives and digital exhibits. Her work has been published by Digital Humanities Quarterly, Journal of Web Librarianship, Rowman & Littlefield, and the American Library Association.

Lydia Vermeyden (lydia [dot] vermeyden [at] calculquebec [dot] ca | lydia [dot] vermeyden [at] ace-net [dot] ca) currently holds a joint role as the Director, development of new research services for Calcul Québec, and Manager, Special Initiatives for ACENET. Activities in her current role include: overseeing the development of digital research services for Humanities and Social Sciences researchers and accessible quantum research services in Québec and advising on ACENET's technical certification program (currently in development). Previously, she was the Training Specialist for the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, supporting Digital Research Infrastructure training across the country, and prior to that she was a Research Consultant specializing in ARC support for Humanities and Social Sciences for ACENET, and the Chair of the Humanities and Social Sciences national team in the Compute Canada Federation (CCF). She organized and led the first national training initiative by the CCF, an annual workshop series for supporting Humanities and Social Sciences with digital skill development. Lydia has a BSc. in Physics, specializing in Astrophysics, and a MSc. in Physics and Quantum Information, both from the University of Waterloo.

Vanessa Warne (vanessa [dot] warne [at] umanitoba [dot] ca) teaches English and Disability Studies at the University of Manitoba. Her research explores the literary depiction of the reading and writing experiences of visually disabled people in the nineteenth century. With Andrea Korda and Mary Elizabeth Leighton, she co-organizes the Crafting Communities series, including Victorian Samplings, our podcast co-created with students.

Jamie Zabel (jamiezabel [at] uvic [dot] ca) recently completed her MA in English at the University of Victoria with a graduating essay focusing on the nineteenth- and twentieth-century academic reception of Charles Dickens. Her article on nostalgia and youth culture in Quadrophenia and Absolute Beginners appears in Moveable Type (2020). Her current research interests include how maps, spatial research, and colonial archival materials can be used to subvert and undo the colonial narrative. She is currently working at Trailmark Systems Inc. in Victoria, BC as an archivist and researcher.

Lydia Zvyagintseva (lydiaz [at] ualberta [dot] ca; is the Head of Digital Scholarship Services at the University of Alberta Library. She holds degrees in Digital Humanities, French Language and Literature, and Library and Information Studies. With Mary Greenshields, she is the co-editor of Land in Libraries: Toward a Materialist Conception of Education (2022) with Library Juice Press, and has published on open data, digital exhibits, labour, and refusal.

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