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Biographies & Contact

Published onOct 19, 2023
Biographies & Contact


Lynne Siemens (siemensl[at]uvic[dot]ca; is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria. Her research is varied and crosses disciplinary lines with a focus on knowledge transfer and mobilization at individual, organizational, and community levels. She is a co-facilitator of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments Partnership’s (Open Social Scholarship) Policy cluster. 


Samantha Irene Arpas (arpas[at]kth[dot]se) is a dedicated scholar pursuing an MSc in sustainable technology with a specialization in management and economics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto with a degree in architecture, where she became passionate about geographic information systems and mapping software. She was a project manager on the Foodways project for two years. Samantha combines her passion for food and culture with her academic background of geographic analysis to lead research assistants on the ever-so-important journey of preserving Italian–Canadian Foodways through innovative software integration combined with project management.

Elena de la Varga (delavarga[dot]elena[at]googlemail[dot]com) is a former student of the University of Cologne. She studied Media Cultural Studies and Media Informatics and graduated with a Master of Arts degree from the University of Cologne in 2022. Her master’s thesis explored the topic of project management in student projects and presented an investigation of the project organization as well as the use of artificial intelligence. Having graduated, she is now working as a project manager in an IT company. 

Hanwen Dong (hanwendong[at]uidaho[dot]edu; is the Instructional Technology Librarian at the University of Idaho. In this role, he develops a user-centred framework for library instructional technology, provides library liaison service to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and its statewide extension offices, delivers reference services to library and community patrons, and serves as the lead librarian for the audiovisual production suite in the library.

Øyvind Eide (oeide[at]uni-koeln[dot]de; is a Professor in Digital Humanities at the University of Cologne. He holds a PhD in digital humanities from King's College London (2013). He was an employee in various positions at the University of Oslo from 1995 to 2013, working on digital humanities and cultural heritage informatics. From 2013 to 2015 he was a lecturer and research associate at the University of Passau. He was the chair of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) from 2016–2019 and also actively engaged in several other international organisations including ICOM's International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC). His research interests are focused on transformative digital intermedia studies as a tool for critical engagement with media differences, especially the relationships between texts and maps as media of communication. He is also engaged in theoretical studies of modelling in the humanities and beyond.

Liz Grumbach (egrumbac[at]asu[dot]edu; is the Manager for Digital Humanities and Research for the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics. She has been active in the digital humanities community for over ten years, working as an academic professional for organizations such as the Advanced Research Consortium, HASTAC, and the Institute for Humanities Research. She currently serves on the board of directors for Zombified Media, a nonprofit organization producing educational media to help humanity survive current and future crises, and the executive council for the Association for Computers and the Humanities (2022–2026). Her work has been published in scholarly publications such as Digital Humanities Quarterly, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, and the Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage.

Erica O’Neil (erica[dot]oneil[at]asu[dot]edu; is a Research Program Manager for the Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics where she researches co-creative, participatory strategies for engaging emerging technologies to create more human(e) technological futures. She is on the board of directors for Zombified Media, a nonprofit organization producing educational media responding to current and future crises, and she serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine.  

Dellannia Segreti (dellannia[dot]segreti[at]mail[dot]utoronto[dot]ca) is a graduate student at the University of Toronto and is also the Project Manager for the Foodways project. Her interests lie in equitable and accessible pedagogies, with a focus on experiential learning and research. She continues to pursue her passion for Italian culture by expanding the repository of documented oral histories and artifacts for Italian–Canadian Foodways by collaborating with the greater community and sharing the importance of historical preservation. With inclusive project management strategies, she effectively continues to expand the scope and breadth of the project.

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